Saturday, August 29, 2015

Heading back to Maine

As you look at this blog, or any blogs, the first post in the list is the last entry made.  If you are reading this post first, it should be your last.  Start at the bottom of the "Blog Archive" list in the left pane; the oldest post - New Brunswick.

Carmen has never been to Houlton or even in Aroostook County, so this morning (8/29/2015) we decided that we would pass back into the United States by way of Houlton, Maine.  Here, just outside of Fredericton, we had a view of the St. John River.

All along the major highways of Canada, we have seen many signs of deer and moose, mostly moose.  Our last sign shows the moose and car, to scale, for a regular sized car, not the mostly small cars people drive now.

After we crossed into Maine and heading south on I-95 we reached an area where we were directly facing Mt. Katadin.  Carmen was able to get a quick picture before we lost sight of the mountain.

We decided to get a closer view of the highest mountain in Maine so we got off I-95 and drove into Millinocket.  From there we took the road into Baxter State Park and coming over a rise was able to see this quick view of the mountain before the road turned and we lost our view.

Along the road we came across this painted rock.  Apparently, keeping Maine beautiful does not include painting rock outcroppings on the side of the road.

The view as we drive into the park.  Just wish we would have been here when the fall foliage colors were out.

Maine Baxter State Park; we are here.

We entered the park, via Baxter Park Road, and stopped at the Ranger Station and Information building.  Since we were looking for a fairly good view of the mountain, we asked one of the Rangers where that might be.  He said that going any further into the park; the mountain is hidden by the trees.  But, right behind the station was a path and a short easy walk you could see the mountain overlooking Upper Togue Pond.  Guess what?  Nice view wouldn't you say?

Our last view of Mt. Katadin, before we leave, looking north from Upper Togue Pond. 

We left the park and made our way back to Auburn, Maine where we finished our trip to Nova Scotia, Canada.  We had a great time and would highly recommend stopping at the Hopewell Rocks and driving the Cabot Trail (counter-clockwise).  Next year we'll travel the lower sections of Nova Scotia and visiting Yarmouth and Halifax.  

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